The Simpsons is one of the longest-running TV shows in history, and while the animated FOX series has always tried to shake things up, it does keep one tradition alive: a yearly Halloween episode. But while these tend to be some of the funniest episodes each season, some segments are better than others. So we decided to pick out our favorite 13 (because it’s a creepy number or whatever) and highlight the best “Treehouse of Horror” segments in the show’s entire history.
One episode that won’t be on this list—even though it’s one of the best Simpsons episodes of the last 15 years—is “Halloween of Horror.” While it is a Halloween-themed episode of The Simpsons, it’s not a traditional multi-segment Treehouse of Horror special. So it doesn’t count.
Anyway, with that out of the way, here are the 13 best Simpsons Treehouse of Horror segments in no particular order.