Street Fighter 6 characterizes its fighters in odder, more specific ways than prior games in the franchise. The broad strokes—the character archetypes—are still the same. Ryu is a stoic warrior. Dhalsim is a serene yoga master. E. Honda is a prideful sumo fighter. But Street Fighter 6 grounds these iconic characters with additional, eccentric, world-building details that humanize them and make them more than just cultural archetypes of their home countries.
The game exhibits a bemused sense of humor and asks what would happen if these individuals had to navigate the larger world outside of fighting. True, they are masters at their respective martial arts. But that does not mean they are masters in all areas of their lives.
I played through the entire single-player World Tour mode, in which you create an avatar, journey across the world, and receive mentorship from all the games’ characters. And along the way, they share details about their lives, both past and current. Here are 15 of the most interesting character revelations I learned in Street Fighter 6, about the inner lives of these world warriors.