If Steam’s huge list of sex games is a gated, glistening community pool, I am the discarded, embarrassing flamingo float, doomed to skim the surface for all eternity. I make attempts to dive in—I look at each 2D succubus thumbnail carefully and determine whether or not demon porn is against my core values. I carefully consider “about” sections, which explain in didactic detail why this game’s anime girlfriend with big tits is better than that game’s anime girlfriend with big tits. I nod my head and pretend to understand where to start with all this, how to evade everything titled some variation of “Yummy Mommy Butt” and find the good stuff. But I don’t understand—I am a metaphorical pink flamingo pool floatie.
You’re metaphorically one of those foam pool noodles that dogs and babies chew on. You might be unsure of where to start with Steam’s NSFW games like me, or perhaps you’re searching for a new favorite. Maybe you’re just curious about what horny games OnlyFans’ enterprising lewd creators like to play. Well, pool noodle, you’re in luck. To get to the bottom of Steam’s infinite slutty options, I asked a few NSFW OnlyFans gamers for their NSFW recommendations and got a range of funny, pretty, X-rated titles back. We will no longer have to swim through Steam aimlessly; we now have a plan. Read on to discover it.