The Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo, better known as C2E2, was held a few weeks back and brought in nearly 100,000 attendees over its three days.
There were some cosplayers among them, of course, some excellent cosplayers, and as usual all photos and video here are provided by Mineralblu (you can check our way more of his stuff at his Facebook page). Also as usual, every photo has a watermark on it detailing the cosplayer’s social media information and the character they’re cosplaying as.
Note that, like our last cosplay gallery (from Marchs WonderCon), there’s a lot of Zelda here, despite the game still being weeks away from release. People were just that psyched!
Oh, and if it feels like we only just ran a C2E2 gallery, that’s because we did! The 2022 show took place much later in the year than usual—September vs March/April—since it was making a post-pandemic comeback. Next year’s show will run in April 2024, marking a return to a more traditional calendar.